Completed research
Below you will find a list of completed research projects, or fields of research, carried out at Centre for Suicide Research:
Risk and protective factors
- Suicide in the media
- Suicide and unemployment
- Protective and risk factors for suicide and attempted suicide among men aged 40-59 years
- Protective factors for suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviour
- Research into risk and protective factors for suicidal behaviour and other self-harming behaviour among social groups of high suicide risk
Veteran soldiers
- Continuation of Risk and protective factors for suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviour among Danish veteran soldiers stationed abroad
- Risk and protective factors for suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviour among Danish veteran soldiers stationed abroad
The Elderly
Vulnerable phases in life
Research cooperation
- Suicidal behaviour and chronic pain
- Suicide attempts among patients diagnosed with disseminated sclerosis
- Clerical prevention of suicidal behaviour
- SAVE (Suicide, Attitudes, Values, Ethics)
- Railway suicides – reactions of the engine driver and the conductor and also characteristics of the persons who commit railway suicide
Ethnical Minorities
Eating disorders and suicidal behaviour
- Violence in intimate relations
- SAYLE – Saving Young Lives Everywhere. Link to project description
- SAYLE – Saving Young Lives in Europe
- Life style and personal welfare of young people, CASE 1 follow-up
- The life style and personal welfare of young people, CASE 1
- Preventive strategies – from the perspectives of young people and their parents, CASE 2
- From thought to suicide – an example
- Self-harm among young people
- Self-harm among quiet girls and big boys
Adolescents with different ethnic backgrounds
- Suicidal behaviour among ethnical minorities in Denmark
- Coping strategies and self-harm among young people with a different ethnic background
- Coping stategies among young people with a different ethnic background
- The life style and personal welfare of young people with a different ethnic background. Is a special preventive strategy needed?
Suicide attempts, suicides and register
- Regional variations in attempted suicides
- Why do people attempt to commit suicide – Extension of the Register for Suicide Attempts
- MONSUE – a European Multicentre Study on Suicidal Behaviour and Suicide Prevention
- RISC – Risk Factors for Suicide Attempts, an epidemiological study using Danish register data Link to project description and information
- Register for Suicide Attempts. Link to article in Danish Medical Bulletin
- Suicide attempters’ contact to the primary health care field
- Suicides, suicide attempts and suicidal thoughts in Denmark
- Suicide attempts and suicides – when are they committed? (Meteorological factors and seasonality in suicidal behaviour are studied).
Working papers: “The relationship between suicide and day of the week, major holidays, and national events in Denmark 1970-1998.” Download; “Meteorological factors and seasonality in suicidal behaviour in Denmark 1970-2000.” Download; Poster: “Intra-monthly Distribution of Suicides in Denmark 1970-1998.” Download
Alcohol abuse
- Alcohol abuse and suicidal behaviour. A study of risc factors and protective factors in relation to suicidal behaviour among alcohol abusers
This page was last updated at 03/21/2022