Vulnerable Phases in Life
Vulnerable Phases in Life – Protective factors for thoughts of suicide and suicidal behaviour among people going through vulnerable phases in life
Nationally, as well as internationally, attention has been directed towards risk factors in relation to thoughts of suicide and suicidal behaviour among different groups of people in society. However, research in protective factors is most limited.
The objective of this project is to uncover, analyse and examine protective factors aiming for professional treaters as well as volunteers to make use of this knowledge in working with prevention on a national as well as an international level.The project differs from other research projects within the field of suicide research, since the focus of the project are protective factors. Furthermore, a triangular research method has been chosen with the intention of finding the greatest possible number of protective factors.
A triangular research method will be applied:
- Register-based research
- Survey based on questionnaires
- Interview study
Project cooperation
The research project is lead by Centre for Suicide Research and carried through in collaboration with Centre for Prevention of Suicidal Behaviour in Odense and with Centre for Therapy and Studies of Suicidal Behaviour in Hamburg.
The report Sårbare Livsfaser has been published in Danish and several articles are planned.
This project has recently been coupled with the project Risk and protective factors for suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviour among Danish veteran soldiers stationed abroard.
The project is financially supported by the Ministry of Social Affairs, and is carried out by the researchers at the centre.
For further information please contact the Centre for Suicide Research at