Abstracts etc.
Abstracts and Presentations
On this page you can find abstracts and presentations presented at conferences in which the Centre has participated and summaries of reports published by Centre for Suicide Research.
Presented at XXIX IASP World Congress in Malaysia
- Jensen, SG Bullying and self-harm among adolescents in Denmark
- Larsen, CP og AK. Mikkelsen The Register for Suicide Attempts – Methods and rates in relation to age and gender in two regions of Denmark
- Mikkelsen, AK og CP Larsen Register for Suicide Attemps – Why do people try to commit suicide?
Presented at ESSSB16, Oviedo, Spain
- d’Andrade, TB Publications on suicide and prevention. Adolescents, statistics and general knowledge
- Jensen, SG og AD Clausen Violent relationships and self-harm among adolescents in Denmark
- Jørgensen, KA Geographic Differences in Suicide Attempts
- Konieczna, A og AB Hansen The role of the Danish pastors in prevention of suicidal behavior among vulnerable groups
- Larsen, CP og AK. Mikkelsen The Register for Suicide Attempts – Methods and rates in relation to age and gender in two regions of Denmark
- Mikkelsen, AK og CP Larsen Register for Suicide Attemps – Why do people try to commit suicide?
Presented at IASP 2015
- Zoellner, L Religion, spirituality, faith, and philosophy of life – a protective or straining factor for soldiers?
- d’Andrade, TB Suicide and Prevention. The most popular publications and most sought out information
- Larsen, CP og AKT Mikkelsen The Register for Suicide Attempts – Self-poisoning
- Mikkelsen, AKT og CP Larsen Extension of the Register for Suicide Attempts – Why do people try to commit suicide?
- Ejdesgaard BA, Zoellner L, Jensen BF, Joergensen HO, Kähler H. “Risk and Protective Factors for Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts Among Deployed Danish Soldiers From 1990 to 2009.”. Military Medicine 2015 pp. 61-67.
Presented at The European Cancer Rehabilitation & Survivorship Symposium 2014
- Zoellner, L Hope as prevention of suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviour among cancer patients
Presented at ESSSB15 in Tallinn
- Zoellner, L Hope as prevention of suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviour among cancer patients
- Zoellner, L Denmark protective and risk factors for military suicide
- Zoellner, L Prevention of adolescents’ suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviour
- D’Andrade, TB WHO wants to know WHAT about suicide and prevention
- Ejdesgaard, BA og L. Rask Saving Young Lives Everywhere (SAYLE) – Family Support
- Egeskov, CP (Larsen), Ejdesgaard, BA, Konieczna, A Expansion of the ‘Register for Suicide Attempts’
- Konieczna, A og BA Ejdesgaard Knowledge and attitudes towards suicidal behaviour among clergies and nurses
- Klüver, L, Ejdesgaard, BA, Zoellner, L An epidemiological study on risk factors for suicidal behavior among Danish veterans deployed between 1990 and 2009
Presented at The 6th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the IASP, Tahiti
- Zoellner, L The Contribution of the Science of Religion to Suicide Research
- Zoellner, L Prevention of Adolescents’ Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Behaviour
Presented at XXVII IASP World Congress i Oslo
- Ejdesgaard, BA Vulnerability Among Adolescents In Foster Care
Presented at 14th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour
- Zoellner, L. Qualitative examination of beliefs among Danish veteran soldiers returned from international missions
- Zoellner, L. The Youth barometer for vulnerability, thoughts of self-harm and self-harming behaviour 2011-2012
- Ejdesgaard, BA og L. Zoellner Risk and protective factors for suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among deployed Danish soldiers from 1990 to 2009
- Konieczna, A. og L. Rask Vulnerability, thoughts of self-harm and self-harming behaviour among adolescents 2011
- Zoellner, L. Abstract: Protective factors for suicidal ideation and attempted suicides among Danish veteran soldiers returned from international missions.
- Zoellner, L. PowerPoint: Protective factors for suicidal ideation and attempted suicides among Danish veteran soldiers returned from international missions.
Poster from Psychiatric Day of Research 2010 – Psykiatriens Forskningsdag 2010
- E. Stenager, B. Jensen, K. Stenager, M. Stenager, E. Stenager Suicide attempts in Multiple Sclerosis
Presentations from 13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour
- Zoellner, L. Abstract: Religion or spirituality as a risk or protective factor for male suicide behaviour
- Zoellner, L. Abstract: CASE-study 2001 and follow-up 2007 in Denmark
- Zoellner, L. Abstract: SAYLE
- Jensen, B. Poster: CASE study 2001 and follow-up 2007 in Denmark
- Jensen, B. Poster: SAYLE
- Jensen, Konieczna og Ejdesgaard. Poster: Attempted suicide by selv-poisoning in a Danish Region
- Stephensen, I. Poster: Protective factors for suicidal behaviour among people going through vulnerable phases in life
- Ejdesgaard, B. A. Poster: Suicidal behaviour among ethnic minorities in Denmark – a pilot study
- Konieczna and Ejdesgaard. Poster: Knowledge of and attitudes towards suicidal behaviour among selected professionals in Denmark
Summaries of new reports
- Self-harming behaviour among adolescents, L. Zoellner, B. Jensen
- Vulnerability and poor personal wellfare among adolescents, L. Zoellner, B. Jensen
Summaries of new reports:
- Travellers – at upper secondary schools, M.O. Bjergsoe, S. Mouazzene, L. Zoellner, B. Jensen
- Vulnerable Phases in Life, I. Stephensen, B. Jensen, E. Christiansen, L. Zoellner
- Travellers for Vulnerable Adolescents of Danish and other Ethnic Background – final report, L. Zoellner, H.O. Rasmussen, B.A.Ejdesgaard, S. Mouazzene, B.Jensen
3rd Asia Pacific Regional Conference of International Association for Suicide Prevention, Hong Kong.
- Religion and Suicide Research: Abstract – Presentation. L. Zoellner
Summaries of new reports
- Self-harm and Resilience among Ethnic Minorities, L. Zoellner
- Suicide Risk and Deliberate Self-harm among Persons With Foreign Background in Denmark, L. Zoellner, I. Stephensen
- Travellers for Vulnerable Adolescents of Danish and other Ethnic Background, L. Zoellner, H.O. Rasmussen
11th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour, Slovenia 2006.
- Travellers – Research-based Suicide Prevention Strategies for Adolescents in Denmark. L. Zoellner.
- Suicidal Behaviour and Eating Disorder – a Register-based Survival Analysis. L. Zoellner, E. Christiansen.
- A Nested Case-control Study of the Risk for Suicide Attempts after Discharge from Psychiatric and Somatic Hospital. BF. Jensen, E. Christiansen.
- Increasing Rates of Attempted Suicides among Young Females – a Generation Problem. BF. Jensen, E. Christiansen.
- A Danish Register-based nested Case-control Study of Socio-economic Risk Factors on Suicide Attempts Risk: The Influence from Psychiatric Morbidity. E. Christiansen, BF. Jensen.
- Risk of Repetition of Suicide Attempt, Suicide or All Deaths after and Episode of Attempted Suicide – A Register-based Survival Analysis. E. Christiansen, BF. Jensen.
2nd Asia Pacific Suicide Prevention Conference, Singapore 2006.
- Religion in Suicide Research. L. Zoellner.
XXIII IASP World Congress, Durban 2005.
- Coping Strategies among Non-Western Adolescents. L. Zoellner.
- Significant Adult’s Knowledge of and Attitudes to Adolescent. Self-harm L. Zoellner.
10th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour, Copenhagen 2004.
XXII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), Stockholm, Sweden 2003.
- The Prevalence of Self-harm among Young People in Denmark and Their Parents’ Knowledge of and Attitudes to Self-harm. L. Zoellner.
XXI Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Chennai, India 2001.
- Registration of Hospital Contacts Due to Self-harm in a Danish Community – a Comparison of Data in a Regional Survey and Data in the National Hospital Register. K. Helweg-Larsen, L. Zoellner, K. Juel.
- Rates of Attempted Suicide and Self-harm in Danish Women of Asian Ethnic Origin. V. Sundaram, L. Zoellner, K. Helweg-Larsen.