The Centre for Suicide Reseach keeps two public registers
- Register of Suicides – is kept on the basis of numbers from The Danish Health Data Authority and their Register of Cause of Death.
- Register of Suicide Attempts – since 1990 Centre for Suicide Research has registered suicide attempts in the administrative district of Funen on the basis of case records from emergency sections. Since 2011, the Register of Suicide Attempts is kept on the basis of The Danish Nation Patient Register.
Bank of Statistics
Statistics are generated on a yearly basis covering the development in rates distributed over gender, age, administrative district and method. The bank of Statistics only exists in Danish, please contact the centre on for statistical information in English.
Facts and figures
Here, central facts and figures are presented concerning suicides and suicide attempts in Denmark.
In addition to keeping the Registers, Centre for Suicide Research also conducts research on the basis of surveys based on questionnaires and interview studies.
This page was last updated at 03/29/2019