Regional variations

Regional variations in attempted suicides


In 2012, the Centre for Suicide Research initiated the project Prevention of suicidal behaviour – Extension of the Register for Suicide Attempts with the purpose of gradually extend datacolletion to cover nationwide. At present data cover the 2012-2015 in the Region Zealand and North Denmark Region. Data indicate regional variations in attempted suicides.


The purpose of this project is to characterize the persons who attempted suicide during 2012-2015 in either the North Denmark Region or Region Zealand in order to targeting the Regions preventive actions. The project examines the variations between the Regions, between the persons who attempted suicide, and between the general populations of the Regions.


Register-based research with data from the Register of Suicide Attempts and Statistics Denmark.


Completed with the Danish report Regionale variationer i selvmordsforsøg 2012-2015.

Financed by

The project was financed by the Ministry for Children and Social Affairs.

This page was last updated at 03/14/2017