SAVE (Suicide, Attitudes, Values, Ethics)
SAVE (Suicide, Attitudes, Values, Ethics) – Attitudes to suicidal behaviour and suicidal ideation among chosen groups of personnel
On the basis of Register for Suicides and Register for Suicide Attempts we know, how the rates are developing. We know that the suicide rate is declining for the general population in Denmark, but we can also see from the registers which groups in the population have a higher suicide or suicide attempt rate than others. Through this knowlegde efforts towards prevention can be implemented more directly.
This project breaks new ground in suicide research in Denmark. It aims to examine and describe the attitudes, values and ethics of the different occupational groups which come into contact with suicidal people and risk groups – in order to see to what extent these attitudes are important in preventing suicides.
The purpose of the project is to intensify preventive measures by shedding light on attitudes towards suicidal behaviour and suicidal ideation among chosen groups of personnel which come in contact with suicidal people.
Furthermore, the goals of the projects are to examine how ethical principles, experiences, values and knowledge reflect the attitudes of the personnel.
The study will build on quantitative (survey based on questionnaires) and qualitative (interview study) sources of data.
The target group and respondents of the study are the groups of personnel which come into contact with suicidal people: Nurses, doctors, ambulance corps, home care personnel, policemen, clergymen and vicars, prison guard personnel and jounalists.
The questionnaire survey is web-based and is adjusted the different occupational groups. Before the questionnaire is completed, interviews are made with the groups of personnel to adjust the questions in order for the attitudes towards suicidal behaviour and suicidal ideation to stand out. This is also to obtain a better and deeper understanding of the content and meaning of the questions.
Data will be analysed by means of logistic regression.
The project was completed in 2008.
Academic associate Agnieszka Konieczna,, Centre for Suicide Research